Teas and Coffee
wondered why products that are both organic and fair trade are so hard to find
in normal shops? Gaia only use ethical suppliers, and we are particularly proud
of our extensive hot beverage range, most of which is both organic and fair
Organic Coffee
- Equal Exchange fairtrade Coffee
beans Dark roast, Medium roast, Columbian, Decaffeinated
- Equal Exchange fairtrade Ground
coffee - Dark roast, Medium roast, Sumatran full roast, Columbian
medium, Ugandan medium, Espresso, Decaffeinated medium
- Percol fairtrade Columbian
coffee - Arabica
- Clipper fairtrade Instant
coffee (Freeze dried) - Arabica, Decaffeinated Arabica
 Organic Tea
- Equal Exchange fairtrade Tea
bags - Breakfast blend, Darjeeling, Earl Green, Earl Grey, Rooibos
- Equal Exchange fairtrade Loose-leaf
tea Breakfast blend, Darjeeling, Earl Grey
- Clipper Teas bags -
Everyday tea (not organic), Green tea, White tea, English Breakfast,
Ceylon, Lapsang Souchong, Indian chai, Darjeeling, Assam, Decaffeinated,
Earl grey
- Clipper Loose-leaf tea - Green tea, English breakfast, Earl grey
- Tea Direct fairtrade
Extraordinary ordinary Tea bags
- Clearspring Japanese tea - Kukicha, Sencha
Organic Herbal Tea
- Clipper Herbal and fruit
teas - camomile, dandelion, honeybush, nettle, calming
- Hambleden Herb Herbal teas - nettle,
Lemon verbena, Elderflower, Camomile, Fennel seed, Peppermint, Crimson
glory, Spiced delight
- Yogi Ayurvedic teas full range - Breathe deep, Calming, Cold season, Detox, Echinacea, Ginger
& lemon, Men’s, Revitalising, Throat comfort, Women’s, Chocolate,
Classic, Green chi, Liquorice - all contain no black tea
- Dragonfly Green teas - Moroccan
mint, Moonlight jasmine (and bulk green tea)
- Eleven O’Clock fairtrade Rooibosch
tea (Redbush tea)
Caffeine-Free Drinks